Adult ADHD Assessment

We offer comprehensive Adult ADHD assessment for individuals who are seeking clarification of a diagnosis of ADHD for the purpose of a medication consultation with a physician, for treatment planning and for insurance or accommodation purposes.

A Modular, Stepwise Approach

Our process is constructed around stand-alone modules that build on each other so you only complete as much assessment as is necessary for your goals.

Psychologist-Driven Assessment

Our ADHD assessment program has been designed by and is led by registered psychologists. All work performed on the assessment is supervised by a registered psychologist.

Insurance Coverage

Our comprehensive ADHD assessment is generally covered for clients with extended health benefits. Please speak with your insurance provider for more details.

Female doctor showing client something on a mobile device

Comprehensive, Evidence-Based Assessment

We assess adult ADHD using a standard battery that includes assessment of psychiatric and academic history, current symptoms, cognitive functioning, and level of impairment related to these symptoms. We also integrate feedback from family and/or friends who know you well as well as comments from report cards if available. We use all this information to put together a detailed report that outlines your results and suggested treatment recommendations.

Woman looking at mobile phone smiling

User-Friendly Process With Your Goals in Mind

A psychological assessment of any kind is a significant investment in time and resources. We have created a clear, step-by-step process with check-ins that will ensure you have all the information you need before going on to the next step of the assessment. We have also structured payment for services in a “pay as you go” model to reduce your financial burden. Apart from cognitive testing, all parts of the assessment can be done virtually.

Providing the Clarity You Need

The purpose of our intensive ADHD assessment service is to assess the possible existence of ADHD using standard clinical and cognitive tests. This service will be most helpful for individuals who are seeking clarification of a diagnosis of ADHD for the purpose of a medication consultation with a treating psychiatrist, for treatment planning and for insurance or accommodation purposes.

The assessment involves the following:

  • Clinical intake interview with a Registered Psychologist and/or Registered Psychologist Under Supervised Practice, Ph.D. student or Psychology Resident (all working under the supervision of a registered psychologist).
  • The Registered Psychologist completing and/or supervising the clinical interview makes the final determination with respect to assessing whether a diagnosis is appropriate or not.
  • In addition to assessing symptoms of ADHD, the diagnostic interview includes a full screen for a variety of mood, anxiety & personality related concerns.
  • Completion and review of self-report symptom questionnaires
  • Review of school report cards (if available)
  • Intelligence- and memory-related cognitive tests that help to assess for the presence of attention-related deficits
  • 60-minute feedback session with a clinical psychologist and the assessor
  • Detailed report with results and follow-up treatment recommendations
  • Consultation with other professionals as needed to help with treatment needs and goals
  • We provide a letter of accommodation to all clients that can be submitted to your employer or academic institution.
  • The face-to-face portion of the assessment will take approximately 6.5 hours.

Where it makes sense to determine whether the presence of a learning disability might be complicating and/or interacting with symptoms of ADHD, we are able to add a psychoeducational component to our base ADHD assessment.

This type of service is usually covered for individuals with extended health care benefits; however, we recommend that you follow-up with your insurance company to confirm this. Some insurance providers will request a predetermination letter prior to paying for services, which we are able to provide.

Frequently Asked Questions: ADHD Assessment

We understand that undertaking an ADHD assessment can come with a lot of uncertainty. See below for your most asked questions.

Yes, most insurance providers will cover our services. As policies can vary, please check with your provider.

Clients with severe substance use disorder, mood or anxiety symptoms or an untreated sleep disorder are recommended to wait until these have been addressed or stabilized. You do not need to be symptom free.

As clients over age 60 can require special testing to rule out disease and age-related changes, we currently cannot offer ADHD assessments to clients over age 60.

Unfortunately, we are not able to offer assessments to clients with suspected or confirmed autism, mild-intellectual disability or traumatic brain injury

Current prices for all our clinical services, including this assessment are listed on our “Current Fees” page.

Cognitive testing is also called “IQ testing”. We are not interested in your IQ per se; rather, your relative strengths and areas of challenge.